nircmd mute
nircmd mute

2022年3月7日—Youcanusethatversiontocreateamuteshortcutorspecificvolumecontrolpercentagesforindividualapplicationsthatarerunningin ...,I'msureyoucanfigureoutwhatthesedobylookingatthem:trigger:Togglemute,command:nircmd.exemutesysvolume2,ground:fore...

NirCmd - Freeware command


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batch file

2022年3月7日 — You can use that version to create a mute shortcut or specific volume control percentages for individual applications that are running in ...

Commands that use Nircmd.exe (toggle mute, say stuff, etc.)

I'm sure you can figure out what these do by looking at them: trigger:Toggle mute,command:nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 2,ground:foreground ...

Mute chrome with nircmd

Mute chrome with nircmd. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Mute specific application in Windows without nircmd

2024年1月28日 — There's a freeware SoundVolumeView from Nirsoft which has extensive command line tools and is said to be compatible up to Windows 11. So, once ...

NirCmd - Freeware command

Mute/unmute the system volume. In the [action] parameter, specify 1 for mute, 0 for unmute, or 2 for switching between mute and normal state.

NirCmd Command Reference - muteappvolume

You can also specify 'focused' for this parameter, if you to want to mute/unmute the volume of the focused application. You can also specify 'SystemSounds' for ...

NirCmd Command Reference - mutesysvolume

Mute/unmute the system volume. In the [action] parameter, specify 1 for mute, 0 for unmute, or 2 for switching between mute and normal state. The second ...

NirCmd is muting the totally wrong subunitvolume

2018年2月12日 — Literally, so far, only what I've put does anything, and it literally only mutes Speakers even though I'm telling it to mute Microphone..

[Tools] NirCmd

NirCmd是一套免費的命令列指令,提供許多控制Windows的參數。這些參數太多了,一時還無法歸納如何是最好的運用方法與使用時機,感覺與預設的NET.EXE 有部份功能重疊。


2022年3月7日—Youcanusethatversiontocreateamuteshortcutorspecificvolumecontrolpercentagesforindividualapplicationsthatarerunningin ...,I'msureyoucanfigureoutwhatthesedobylookingatthem:trigger:Togglemute,command:nircmd.exemutesysvolume2,ground:foreground ...,Mutechromewithnircmd.GitHubGist:instantlysharecode,notes,andsnippets.,2024年1月28日—There'safreewareSoundVolumeViewfromNirsoftwhichhasexten...